5 Way Parking an Automatic Car

  1.  Unless there’s a local law or parking lot restriction, it’s always safer to back into a parking spot.ÂTo do this in a car with an automatic transmission, simply come to a complete stop with your foot on the brake and shift your car into R. Take your foot off the brake and move it to the accelerator, then tap the accelerator lightly to slowly back into the space you want.
    Step 2 Pull the lever to engage the parking brake.
     Keep your foot on the brake while you do this to keep your car from rolling. Push the button on the end of the lever, then pull it up until you hear it click. Take care not to pull it up too far or it could get stuck—you’ll know when it’s engaged. Let go of the button and take your hand off the lever.[14]

    • If your parking brake is a pedal on the floor, push it all the way down once to engage the parking brake.
    • If you’re not confident you’ve engaged the parking brake, just slowly lift your foot from the brake. If the car starts rolling, it’s not engaged.
    • It’s better on your transmission to engage the parking brake before you change gears.
    Step 3 Put the car in P and take your foot off the brake.
     Push the lock button on the side of the shifter and move it all the way to P. The car stays in this gear while it’s parked—you don’t put it in neutral like you would with a manual car. Just remember that P stands for “park” to avoid making that mistake.
    Step 4 Turn the wheel if parking on a hill.
     If you’re parked on a steep hill, this gives you a little extra protection in case the brakes fail or someone hits your car and it starts moving. Generally, turn your wheels toward the curb if you’re parking downhill or away from the curb if you’re parking uphill.

    • If you’ve pulled into a sloping driveway, turn your wheels so that your car won’t roll out into the road.
    Step 5 Switch off the car.
     You’re done! Turn the key or push the button to turn off the car and congratulate yourself on your first successful drive in a car with an automatic transmission. Remember to take the keys with you and lock the doors.